Windows - Photo Editing

ADG Panorama Tools v5 2 0 26 incl Keymaker [h33t][Foo]

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Name:ADG Panorama Tools v5 2 0 26 incl Keymaker [h33t][Foo] torrent

Total Size: 2.91 MB

Seeds: 6

Leechers: 0

Downloaded: 109

Torrent added: 2009-08-28 10:40:47

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ADG Panorama Tools v5 2 0 26 incl Keymaker [h33t][Foo] (Size: 2.91 MB) (Files: 6)


6.51 KB


0.02 KB

 ADG Panorama Tools v5.2.0.26 incl Keymaker.txt

0.90 KB


2.47 MB


73.52 KB


362.00 KB

Torrent description

ADG Panorama Tools v5.2.0.26 incl Keymaker


ADG Panorama Tools is a panorama stitching software for Internet publishing, printing and interactive viewing.

It automatically combines a series of individual photos so seamlessly that they together form
impressive 360-degree panorama composition.

Just watching the Auto Stitching process is a lot of fun.

The program shows in live action how it connects the images by tilting and sliding them a little.

This digital panorama is displayed in a web browser and allows the viewer to scroll through the image.

No additional plug-ins required


1. install program.
2. Use Keymaker
3. Enjoy!

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